Forsyth Barr Business House 2022

The club is excited to be running the Forsyth Barr Winter Competition again in 2022.

As per usual, the competition will be played on a Thursday night, starting May 5th, with teams starting at either 6:30pm or 8:00pm and playing 3x 30 minute doubles games.

If you have an interest in entering a team of players (entries by April 24th) or would wish to put your name forward onto a list of subs, please indicate your interest to Graeme Campbell, Club Manager, Tournament Organiser, You will then be sent a competition information pack.

The competition ‘information pack’ includes:

  1. Form 1 Team entry form. Please complete the details in the form and return to .  It is especially helpful to have mobile numbers and email addresses.
  • This year we would like all teams to include a/some female players in your roster as well as enough players to allow for various unavailability from time to time, and to ensure you have a full team for each tie. We have many spare players wanting to play in teams. Please advise if you require additional team members.
  • A ‘Subs List’ will also be provided in due course to which you can refer to if a substitute player is required. The Tournament Organiser can also help recommend subs as well.
  1. Form 2 Competition Rules and other helpful information.  Any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact the Tournament Organiser.
  • A draw will be provided when final team numbers are confirmed.
  • There will be new tennis balls provided for each flight of matches each week and light refreshments after each flight of matches.

 A range of excellent prizes will be awarded at the completion of the competition.

We would like to acknowledge the sponsor of this competition, Forsyth Barr.  We greatly appreciate their continued support of the competition.

We trust that this will be a successful competition for all teams with a chance to enjoy the social side of tennis as well as the competitive.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions regarding the competition.

We look forward to seeing you out on the court this winter!