Junior Interclub

Welcome to the 2024 /25 season of Interclub.

Key Dates

The following grades will be available to enter:
Friday 4:30pm – 10U (Mixed), 12U, 14U, Open
Saturday 8:30am – 10U (Mixed), 12U
Saturday 10:30am – 14U, Open, Premier Primary, Premier Secondary
Date of Birth / Age Groups:
Open – 1/4/2006 – 31/3/2010
14U – 1/4/2010 – 31/3/2012
12U – 1/4/2012 – 31/3/2014
10U – On or after 1/4/2014
Primary – Year 6 to 8
Secondary – Year 9 +

WTC Junior Interclub Uniform

All uniforms orders must be submitted by the 16th September.
All team members must wear the WTC t-shirts and blue or white shorts or skirts.
We also prefer if teams can purchase and wear the WTC hoodie
WTC caps are available also
There are sample T shirts and hoodies in the club to try on. Scan the QR code by the sample tops to place your orders.
Please place all orders below , we will then send an invoice for the order. Please order by 15th September.

Player Etiquette

We have high expectations of all our players in terms of sportsmanship and good sporting behaviour is integral to Interclub. Please follow this link to the Junior Handbook and more on conduct.
If there do happen to be disagrements that you are not able to sort out on court then please contact our Junior Administrator, Amanda, to further discuss.

Team and Manager Responsibilities

A manager will be allocated to each team. This person will look after the weekly communication for the team in terms of where you are playing, collecting the balls for the start of the season and ensure to input the results by the Sunday evening of each week( If your team is the wining team ). If you are the manager pease make sure to read the rules and all the details in the handbook before the season starts just to refresh yourself on the ins and out’s. But if you are unsure of any details please contact our JA.
All team must be supervised with an adult manager for the full duration of all the games – if it is your turn and you are not able to stay for the duration of all the games please ensure you swap with another parent so there is an adult there until the end.
Please note: Parent supervisors are not permitted to advise players during a match or interfere with the scoring or playing of matches, except to intervene in the case of misconduct or a circumstance which the players cannot resolve themselves (please use common sense).
For the younger players pegs are a good idea at the start to assist them in keeping track of all the game scores.

Here is a link to the Junior Interclub Rules 
Here is a link to the Junior Handbook
Here is a link to Match Hub to enter the results ( only the manager allocated to the team can enter the results and you will need your child’s players code to log in eg CBEDA11M found by search for their name on match hub)

Managers – Entering results


If you have any further queries please contact out Junior Administrator:

Amanda Marchant