Sunday November 17th, the club held a special function for our Life members in honour of their commitment and dedication to the club.

As part of the function Adam Gard’ner, Senior coach, gave an overview of the Junior programme with particular emphasis on the graduated system of development for young players based on court size and ball type. The group were then entertained by our four scholarship girls, Vera Goesmann, Lily Bray, Michal and Holly Matson playing a set of doubles.Club President Lloyd Russell said the event was ..”thoroughly enjoyed by all those that attended”


20131117_160027A current List of Life members at the club, some of whom are pictured, are as follows:


Bob Pratley (Deceased)
Brenda Nuttall
Crawford Liddell
Des Brading
Gillian Shirley
James Seales
Kevin Ashton
Lloyd Russell
Malcolm Millar
Mark Barnes
Meg Davidson
Phil Gass
Richard Bell