WE are instigating some new coaching programmes for Adults and one Children’s programme starting in October.We have 4  programmes that are now locked into a schedule with more to come as demand dictates. More information on Cardio and Tennis Xpress below as well as the new Blue Stage programme for children.
  • CARDIO: we have 2 options for 8 x 1 hour sessions, starting on: 
  • Wednesday 12th October at 6.30pm OR Saturday 15th October at 9.15am. $72 for members (incl. parents), $90 non-members
  • TENNIS XPRESS: 8 x1 hour sessions starting Tuesday Oct 11th at 6.30pm $72 for members (incl. parents), $90 non-members
  • BLUEBALL: 6 x 30 mins sessions starting Saturday 29th October at 8.30am $60 per child
  • MANDARIN: TennisXpress delivered for Chinese Mandarin speakers, 6 x 1 hour sessions starting Monday October 10th at 6.30pm. $90.

To enrol please email me (Megan) at admin@wtc.co.nz.   Numbers are limited for each session & it’s “first in first served”,  with payment required at the time of booking via Internet banking into account: 12 3209 0326080 00

CARDIO TENNIS: Cardio Tennis is a fun group activity for anyone, at any playing level,
looking for a fun way to burn calories & interact with others outside of the gym.
Cardio Tennis is a high energy fitness session that combines the best features of the sport of tennis with cardiovascular exercise, delivering the ultimate, full body, calorie burning aerobic workout.
Most women can burn 300 to 500 calories per hour and men burn between 500 to 1,000.
Not only are you getting a great workout, but you are also learning a skill and training for
Tennis Xpress is an ITF Official Programme and is an easy, active and fun
coaching programme for adults.
The aim is to help starter adults to serve, rally and score (play the game) from
the first session and to ensure that by the end of the course:
all adults will know the basic techniques, tactics and the Rules of Tennis
For the purpose of this course, adult starter players are defined as those who:
are complete beginners to tennis i.e. have never played tennis before, or
who have received basic coaching but have never played the game outside of a
coaching environment, or
beginners returning to tennis after a long absence
 BLUE stage programme
Waimairi Tennis Club is excited to announce a Tennis Hot Shots Blue stage programme.
To provide children aged 3-5 years old with opportunities to explore the sport of tennis through play.
Programme outline
The 6 or 8 week programme covers tennis and generic sports skills, utilising physical literacy, and focusing on fundamental perceptual motor skills. Each session will be structured in a ‘circuit-style’ format, and will have a theme to the session.
Parent(s)/caregiver(s) are encouraged to participate in the sessions to make the environment comfortable for the child, and to help with the flowand practicality of activities.
Modified equipment and creative spaces are used in the programme relevant to the children’s stage of development.
Programme themes
Session themes include imagination journeys, counting and abc’ activities. Activities of fundamental perceptual motor skills are designed to match the session themes.
Activities are based on moving, throwing, catching and striking.
Children experience the basics of tennis, including how to rally.
Saturday 8:30-9:00am
For more information on Waimairi Tennis Club’s Tennis Hot Shots Blue stage programme or to register,
contact: Megan Bruynel, Waimairi Tennis Club Administrator
E: juniors@wtc.co.nz